Monday, December 15, 2014

Out of the loop


When I was at high school I often managed to find myself fractionally out of the loop on my friends' social lives. I think maybe they exchanged some stories in during chemistry so I wasn't there and I would get behind.

It didn't help that I made things worse for myself by being completely unable to remember the names of people I'd never met or people whom I had met but found uninteresting for whatever reason.

"You'll never guess who was at Heath's party!! Sam Ryan! So totally awkward!"

Who's Sam Ryan again?
"The guy from Grammar who played Billy in the musical. Lily likes him."
"Ahhh yes, right, Billy."
"So apparently, you know that Lucy girl... From year 12? She used to go out with Sam Ryan! Oh how awkward!"

omg indeed.
Who's Sam Ryan again?
"The guy from Grammar, the one Lily likes. They met at the musical. He played Billy."

"Ah yes, Billy - he was good."
"Heath was so nice to her. I think that Lily's still hung up on Sam Ryan though. She's too proud to admit it but she is."
So true!

"Just one question... who is Sam Ryan again?"
"That guy who Lily likes who used to date that girl from year 12, Lucy. He's from Grammar. They were in the musical together. He played Billy."
"Oh yeah, Billy. That was a good musical."
"I told Lily that Heath is WAY hotter than Sam Ryan. Like so hot. She should totally go there!"
So hot!
Who's Sam Ryan?

"That guy you have met on several occasions. The most recent time being on Saturday when we were at Glenferrie Road and I reminded you that he was the guy who Lily used to like. He used to date that girl Lucy in year 12. He's from Grammar. He played Billy in the musical."
Oh wow, we know Billy from the musical?! He was good in the musical. I'm surprised you've never spoken of him before now.

This would continue in this way until eventually all my friends just started screaming "BILLY! HE'S BILLY!" each time I would ask who Sam Ryan.
"I don't think she even likes Sam Ryan anymore. She's totally over it. It's all about Heath right now."
"Who's Sam Ryan?


"Ahh right yes. Who's this Heath fellow then?

It's really a miracle that they kept me around! We're still friends though 10 years later so it turned out OK. Much like our Shelley - she's OK too.


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