In answer to the above question... I don’t know, she didn’t make it to Canada. As most of you know, I have made it to Canada and I’m on exchange. I was hoping to post while here but I’ve had some problems.
I think that maybe I’m a little ambitious. On exchange, normal people think “I’ll just do the bare minimum and spend the rest of my time partying. :)”
I, being something other than normal, think “Oooohhhh Advanced Ancient Hieroglyphics looks good... but damn that clashes with Algebra for Wizards and I really wanted to do that. I could overload and then listen to the lectures online! Yes that’s a good idea.”
Problem with this is, that once I arrived, people regularly ask me this question “Beers?” and clearly my enthusiasm for taking on activities shows itself and I repeat. “Yes that’s a good idea!”
OK clearly I exaggerate but in truth I have picked three reasonably difficult subjects and one slightly less difficult subject and then one mother of a monstrously impossible subject. This baby is taught in a foreign language, requires you to read 8 texts all of which were written before 1800 and a decent knowledge of European history from 1100 to 1800 is not required but is preferable. It’s a history/literature subject for native French speakers.
In pondering why I find it so difficult, I’ve come up with three potential reasons.
- I haven’t studied history since year 10 and even then I use the term ‘study’ fairly loosely, ‘winged’ might be a little more accurate.
- I haven’t studied literature since year 12... Again the word study could be substituted here for another word, I’m going to go with ‘endured’.
- I’m not a native French speaker (fancy letting that one slip your mind).
Mostly though I blame Melbourne University for this mess. I blame them because they wouldn’t let me take anything easier, in fact, I was enrolled in the study of Plato in French. Day one of that class we translated things from ancient Greek to French :). Day two, it was dropped from my timetable.
So in my negotiations with the University we agreed on this subject. It was less impossible that Plato (I didn’t know that impossibility could really be measured in magnitudes but this is something that I’ve learnt since arriving here) so I was happy. It was still far too difficult for me to complete without losing my sanity which made Melbourne University happy.
So I’ve abandoned the blog until February. I apologise. Next year I’ll have a real job and a routine and I’m hoping to post more regularly. I’ve also learned a few tricks to speed things up and I’m hoping to get the process further refined. I thank you for your patience. I was a tad ambitious which strikes me down from time to time (did I tell you about my subject choices for McGill?). Also I paid $31 for a drawing app that was totally and utterly shit and useless so I’ve decided to work the words and return to the pictures next year. So I’m drafting some posts while I’m here and you’ll see them in 2012. Next year my birthday is going to be 12/12/12. OK I digress.
So yes Shelley is suffering from neglect, she’s OK though and she’s probably off in Africa showing of her OKedness to the starving poor.
In the meantime, please follow me on twitter, I do tweet more regularly than I post. @shelleysokay (someone took the spelling of shelleysok... massive pain in the arse, twas probably Shelley herself).
Man, I'm not getting that $31 back ever.